Let me start by saying there is an overwhelming amount of resources out there for military and their families! From free babysitting services, to free entry into National Parks, to free counseling, there is a WORLD of support from people all over the place who want to help. This is my second deployment and I've just learned that half of these even exist! So I want to share some of those resources with you guys. I want to get the word out that people want us to take advantage of these awesome benefits they're offering.
    We are kind of conditioned to be independent and take care of ourselves when our guys are gone. It's what comes with the role of being a military spouse. Our partner is gone and we're left on our own to take care of everything (which we're happy to do because we LOVE THIS LIFE, right??;)) We're strong women who send off our husbands and take care of the home-front- we don't need help. Well, let's face it: sometimes we do. Sometimes a little relief is just what we need to step back, take a breath and revamp.
    Half the time when I tell someone my husband is deployed I get a hug, some tears and a sincere thank you. People are truly grateful for what my husband and his brothers (and sisters) in arms do, and they feel compelled to support us. There are people who offer their help to be polite, but most of the time they offer it because they really do want to!! So let them. Let them bring you dinner one night. Let them babysit your children so you can get a pedicure (or just walk around Target by yourself for an hour!) Let them mow your yard, shovel your driveway- whatever. Let them help.

    So! That being said: I'm going to list a few super helpful resources out there for military families.
MilitaryOneSource is basically your one stop shop for resources. You can find just about anything you need on this site. (For FREE!) Here you've got counseling sessions, health and wellness coaches, and a plethora of sites and companies wanting to help you.
ArmyOneSource is another great site I encourage you to check out.
Also- USAA = Incredible company!
Active Duty Military and dependents- go get your FREE National Park Annual Pass!!!

    For those of you with children some good sites to check out:
SitterCity is a website dedicated to finding babysitters for families. Babysitters upload their information onto the site and go through a background check, and parents looking for sitters can browse those babysitters. The site is free for military families.
ChildCareAware is a program that aids in day care. The program pays at least some in child care for working parents whose spouse is deployed. This also applies to private schools!!

    For parents of soldiers:
GoArmy site has stories, answers and articles about your child being in the military.

    Let's not forget our (in my opinion) strongest and most valuable resource- EACH OTHER.  I might be a little biased- being the FRG leader for Hub's unit- but take advantage of your local
Family Readiness Group. Get involved!! I just came from a training event where I got to meet with other spouses and family members of our soldiers. The entire 3 hour drive home all I could think about was "how blessed am I to be a part of such a unique and incredible community?!" We always hear about the camaraderie among soldiers, but we have that, too. We, at home, are experiencing these events and emotions that only we, at home, understand. Let's lean on each other. Let's cry together about the hardships we endure. Let's laugh together about "that one time we tried using a calendar" ;) Let's encourage each other when we know exactly what each other is going through and what it takes to get through it. Let's ask for and lend helping hands amongst ourselves. This is exactly what FRG is for. We're in this together- let's get through it together.

Hi, friends!

Well Hubs mentioned last week that because of his shift he's getting up when his base is serving dinner! (Apparently it's a little hard to stomach chicken wings and french fries as soon as he gets up..:) I would give anything to take him warm, freshly made breakfast in bed, but I can't see the army okaying that one. So I'm doing the next best thing and sending him all the over-processed, sugary, yummy breakfast foods I can get into 1 box!!
We've got yummy coffee creamers (because he likes about 287 cups a day;), his favorite flavor pop-tarts, to go oatmeal including nuts and dried fruit (which I made him all the time at home), regular oatmeal, a breakfast nut mix, granola with yogurt bars and the Nature Valley bars are amazing crunched up in Greek Yogurt with some fresh fruit (which he has access to when he wakes up).

I printed a quote to add to one of the sleeves:
“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive- to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love-then make that day count!” ― Steve Maraboli
And I burned a CD, made the song list paper the sleeve for it and attached it to another sleeve. The other two are pretty obvious:) I also put notes on each item in the box...

The CD is a mix of songs that make me think of him and new songs that he hasn't heard and doesn't have access to. This particular mix had songs like America The Beautiful (Miranda and Blake cover: AMAZING), See You Again by Carrie Underwood- (I wish I could send him the video- a must see for military wives if you ask me) Gone Gone Gone by Phillip Phillips, Miles by Christina Perry (the lyrics to both are great deployment lyrics IMO) and a few other goodies. I love sending him songs.. old ones that remind me of a certain event or fun time we had together, and new songs that have come out during the deployment that I think he would like..

My favorite verse through deployment:
                       “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer” Romans 12:12.



I hope everybody had a wonderful 4th of July last week! I visited my in-laws in Minnesota and spent the weekend at their cabin on the river up north. We had a fantastic time blowing off fireworks, laying out on our tubes in the river and most importantly, honoring our soldier. I know a lot of my fellow Bravo wives had a tough time with this 4th- as celebrating our soldiers without our soldiers is NOT so fun! But we got through it and are looking forward to being with them for the next one. (Can I get a HOOAH!)
Well you guys know I had to do a 4th of July box! I did something a little different than I had originally planned. I intended on sending a super patriotic box filled with lots of red white and blue candies, decorations and movies. Instead I took lots of pictures of MY 4th of July with his family in hopes it will give him a sence of being a part of it.

A lot of you have probably seen this frame idea on Pinterest. My Mother in Law painted a few frames and these are some pics that we took- the less goofy ones;) I think this is such a cute idea and you can have so much fun with it. Like I said before- you can't go wrong sending pictures, and this is a way to shake it up and give your soldier something a little different to look at. And hopefully he'll see and feel the fun in taking them:)
Below are my favorite pictures. We've got one blowing kisses, and one of me sending a hug with support from his family.

And here's our "Cabin Fun" 4th of July box! I didn't get a picture of it after I packed it- oops! It was another miscellaneous box. I threw in toiletries like toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, contact solution, etc. It's super dry out there so I got him some good conditioner and lotion, too. I also put lots of fitness mags and protein bars. I couldn't help but add some travel magazines as well because, well, we live to travel! And of course, cards, letters and PICTURES!
Thank you for reading and thank you to all the spouses out there who make sacrifices for our country! We ARE ARMY STRONG!
